We have partnered with UpFront Reviews to provide genuine reviews from authenticated past guests, allowing you to make the right holiday choice and to provide peace of mind.

We are delighted to announce that we have partnered with UpFront Reviews who are now providing independently verified reviews of our Chamonix All Year accommodation.

Only guests who have actually stayed with us will receive the email invitation to review the properties on our website, and we are not able to edit or amend their comments, meaning that what you see is what our guests really think – and we’re pleased to say that the feedback so far has been great!

We always love hearing back from our guests so we’ve been delighted to receive so many positive reviews already. Don’t forget to come and see the Resort Team when you’re in Chamonix too if you have any questions or problems that we can help with during your stay, we’re always on hand to help, or just to tell us what you’re enjoying about your stay!

These comments and scores from UpFront Reviews will be integrated into our accommodation pages very soon to help you choose the right property for you, but in the meantime you can already see what people have been saying on UpFront Reviews’ own website.

We’re busy working on a new look for the Chamonix All Year website, including the scores and feedback from UpFront Reviews, so make sure you come back soon to check it out and let us know what you think.